ISO 13485:2016 Certified
1–16/173개 결과 표시
Cat. No. -AT201-xx
Package -20ea
Storage -C
Description -YNB(w/o aa w/as)6.7g, Dropout powder 1.3g(w/o specific aa), Glucose 2%, 3-AT 2mM 1.5% Agar
Application -For use yeast two hybrid assay
Cat. No. -AT202-xx
Package -10ea
Description -YNB(w/o aa w/as)6.7g, Dropout powder 1.3g(w/o specific aa), Glucose 2%,3-AT 2mM 1.5% Agar
Cat. No. -AT203-xx
Cat. No. -AT204-xx
Cat. No. -AT205-xx
Cat. No. -AT206-xx
Package -pk of 10
Cat. No. -AT207-xx
Cat. No. -AT208-xx
Cat. No. -AT209-xx
Cat. No. -AT210-xx
Cat. No. -AT211-xx
Cat. No. -AT212-xx
Cat. No. -BG201
Package -400ml
Description -Yeast Extract 0.5%, Trypton 1%, NaCl 1%
Applicaion -For the Growth of E. coli and other enteric bacteria
Cat. No. -BG202
Description -M9 salts 1X(Na2HPO4 42mM KH2PO4 24mM, NaCl 9mM, NH4Cl 19mM), MgSO4 1mM, CaCl2 0.1mM, Glucose 2.0%, Thiamine 0.5μg/ml
Applicaion -For the maintenance and propagation of E.coli.
Cat. No. -BG203
Package -100ml
Storage -Cold
Description -Na2HPO4 42mM, KH2PO4 24mM, NaCl 9mM, NH4Cl 19mM
Application -For the maintenance and propagation of E.coli.
Cat. No. -BG204
Description -Casein digest (NZ Amine) 1.0%, NaCl 0.5%
Application -Used in the growth of recombinant E.coli strains
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