[카테고리:] Southern/Nothern Blot analysis
14개의 결과 모두 표시
[BH006] Hybridization Solution w/formamide
더 보기Cat. No. –BH006
Package –500ml
Storage –RT
Description –40mM PIPES,pH 6.8, 1m M EDTA, pH 8.0, 0.4M NaCl, 80%(v/v) Deionized formamide
Application –Used for detection of biotinylated probes on membranes in procedures such as Northern and Southern Blotting,and dot blots
* For R&D use only
[BH007] Hybridization Solution w/o formamide
더 보기Cat. No. – BH007
Package –500ml
Storage –RT
Description –40mM PIPES,pH 6.4, 0.1mM EDTA, pH 8.0, 0.4M NaCl
Application –Suitable for Southern, Northern and Dot Blot hybridization analysis, hybridization with oligonucleotides or other types of probes, and for hybridization screening of gene libraries
* For R&D use only
[BM003] 10X MOPS Buffer
더 보기Cat. No. – BM003
Package – 1,000ml
Storage – Room Temperature.
Description – 200mM MOPS free acid, 50mM sodium acetate, 10mM EDTA, and 10mM EGTA. pH 7.0, Treated with DEPC
Application – Used as the electrophoresis buffer for formaldehyde (denaturing) agarose gels
* For R&D use only
[BW001] 10X Washing Buffer, pH 7.5
더 보기Cat. No. –BW001
Package –1000ml
Storage – RTDescription –Maleic acid 1M, NaCl 1.5M, pH 7.5 Solution
pH adjusted with Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
10X Washing Buffer or 10X Maleic acid BufferApplication – Suitable for Sourthern and Northern blot analysis with DIG
* For R&D use only
[BW004] Water, DEPC Treated
더 보기Cat. No. –BW004
Package –500ml
Storage – RTDescription –To treat solutions with DEPC, add 0.1% DEPC, mix and let it at room temperature O/N. Then autoclave.
Purified by ion exchange, carbon extraction, glass distillation, and filtration. Resistance greater than 18.0M ohms.Application -Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treatment is the most commonly used method for eliminating RNase contamination from water, buffers, and other solutions.
* For R&D use only
[OW004] Water, DEPC treated
더 보기Cat. No. –OW004
Package – 10L
Storage – RT
Description – To treat solutions with DEPC, add 0.1% DEPC, mix and let it at room temperature O/N. Then autoclave.
Purified by ion exchange, carbon extraction, glass distillation, and filtration. Resistance greater than 18.0M ohms.
Application – Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treatment is the most commonly used method for eliminating RNase contamination from water, buffers, and other solutions.
* R&D use only